The Pushcar War, by Jean Merrill
5 stars!
Description: Think an idyllic New York City in a slower-paced world where pushcarts gently roam the streets with their wares. Now, picture an monstrous eighteen wheeler truck with a grumpy driver who takes drastic action when a pushcart doesn't get out of the way fast enough. The crash - the screech - the pea tacks? It's WAR! The stage is set for an epic battle between the overwhelming crush of progress and the simple life of yesteryear. It's a great caper of strategy, attacks and counterattacks, and as the entire city (plus a random movie star and the US President) takes sides, it ends up a battle of wills, wits, and street warfare!
Concerns: None.
Summary: The Pushcart War is a great book to root for the little guy. It's clever, it's quirky, and it's a marvelous good war story with no casualties to turn a fun story grim. Hilarious little sidetracks throughout make it more interesting (watch for letters to the editor!) and the tone is overall sly wink-wink fun.
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